7-24-23 HR PRO UPDATE - What an incredible week moving the business forward by creating greater awareness in the market. It’s hard to conduct client projects, establish and market new businesses, and have some normal time with my family. Without your support and sharing with your network I am positive we would not be this far along. I will have another update later this week with some ideas for all of us to secure more projects and get to the level where you have some paid projects available. Until then, in no certain order, here are some highlights since July 4:

  • Our new business cards have arrived. Later this week I’ll have more to share on marketing collateral and getting some of these mailed to you if you’re interested.

  • Here is a link to the original Press Release

  • Here is a link to last week’s press release kicking off the Lifetime Handbook Service

  • I have confirmed two (2) orders of the Lifetime Handbook, two (2) verbal confirmations that I have to get written commitment, and a lead on at least one (1) more. Nothing to write home about, and three are from existing clients, but isn’t that usually how things start?

  • Using Linked IN’s Boost Campaign, the post about our Lifetime Handbook Service on the JustHRhandbooks Linked IN page have been pushed out to over 90,000 Linked IN subscribers.

  • And for some informal feedback on these efforts, a very close friend of 30+ years sent me a text the night of the Lifetime Handbook launch and said, “Are you trying to monopolize the HR industry?” I think we’re reaching a lot of people with a very needed set of services.

    All in all, some very good progress and signs that the message is getting out.

    Thank you all again! More to come later this week.

A perfect side hustle for HR Pro’s

1099 Positions, simple income

$50-$75 per hour per project

3 to 10 hours per project

Most work completed off hours

Rare client call within office hours